At the very upper end of the lake, Wilson says he drifts large live bait along the old river channel ledge in the tailwater below Lake Hartwell Dam. With this rigging, the larger lure actually acts as a planer, pulling the small jig deep into the striper’s feeding territory. In spring, the big pin-striped bass might be in major feeder rivers of the lake. Use clean language. U.S. State Hunting and Fishing Regulations . And there are few better fish to focus on at this time than the freshwater striper. Racist, sexist, homophobic, and generally hateful comments are not tolerated. Successful anglers often drift through deeper water, fishing with small minnows or freshwater grass shrimp until they find a school. Striper fishing freshwater LOTS of Tips. When stripers are being finicky about taking an artificial lure in clear water, … The views expressed within the comment section do not necessarily reflect or represent the views of The Sportsman's Guide. Same goes for extremely cold water. The other is in the very upper end of the lake in the moving current below the Lake Hartwell Dam.”. You can investigate likely striper areas such as points, underwater islands, saddles, drop-offs, river channel edges, flats, and the water near … 8″ Bass Striper Fishing Bait Swimbait Lure. Striped Bass are opportunistic feeders who may be caught using a wide range of bait. cant cast at the banks. There’s nothing like a feisty fish on the line to take the bite out of winter! All Rights Reserved. Guides Wendell Wilson (706-283-3336; and Jerry Kotal (706-988-0860;, both from Elberton, Georgia, fish the lake year-round. “I get super-charged when I see gull activity in cold weather,” he says. Striped bass, also known as rockfish and stripers, are arguably the most popular saltwater inshore game fish.. Striped bass are the most popular inshore saltwater game … Most fishing rods feature both an action and a power rating, but what do those ratings mean and how do you use them to select the right rod for different scenarios? “I’ll lower live bait, typically herring, to the depth fish are marked on the graph,” he says. But my cold fingers and face were the last thing on my mind when a rod suddenly bowed deep in its holder and throbbed violently. 2. | Techniques for Lake Lanier. Stripers are open-water fish, it’s true. Speck anglers typically use several rods or poles, fishing at different depths until they pinpoint concentrations of fish. Battling a trophy striped bass is a goal of many fishermen, and that’s a very realistic possibility at Richard B. Russell Lake, a 26,650-acre Savannah River impoundment on the Georgia-South Carolina border. “I’ve found herring to be better when the water is warmer, but when the surface water temperature dips below 50 degrees I’ll use small shiners, too,” he says. Trolling also takes lures deep—down in the 15- to 40-foot range where most stripers hang out for the bulk of the year. Grabbing the 8-foot graphite rod, I pulled back and was fast to a hefty fish. Best Freshwater Fishing Techniques Best Freshwater Fishing Techniques ... and some, such as striped bass, can live in salt or freshwater. Sinker weight varies with the depth and technique fished. “These fish follow forage, so searching is simply part of the process,” he says. Unlike the summer and early-fall pattern, the best late-fall and winter fishing is in the middle part of the lake. He recommends preparing for the elements and fishing when you can. These … The lower end of the lake, below the Highway 72 bridge to the dam, is one prime area to target. Unlike the summer and early-fall pattern, the best late-fall and winter fishing is in the middle part of the lake. Finally, depth finders allow you to locate the stripers themselves on the display screen as large individual markings. Optimum speed for striper trolling is usually the slowest you can obtain with your outboard. But between the two extremes comes your best bet for some of the most exciting fishing freshwater … There are three basic methods used most often to catch stripers. They’re voracious and carnivorous predators that prey on eels, smelt, shad, minnows, and on small creatures such as worms, crabs, eels, crayfish, squid and mayflies. Choose the right bait. “I may have to work the lure just over the tops of submerged trees, but I prefer finding stripers over open water because we’ll have a better chance of landing big fish. I having some luck with umbrella but need more information. This way you can return and try those spots again under similar conditions. Kotal says the September striper and baitfish connection is strong in the lower end of the lake, and he graphs for big pods of forage surrounded by large individual marks. Wilson says when fishing live bait, he’ll use 14-pound-test monofilament line with a 2/0 Eagle Claw style 084 hook on a 7-foot medium-light-action baitcasting rod. Deep diving plugs are a great lure choice when stripers are suspended at levels of 12- to 25 feet. If the stripers are proving finicky, however, or if they’re feeding on small threadfin shad, a bucktail jig or grub trailed behind these lures will often account for even more fish than the plug. You can investigate likely striper areas such as points, underwater islands, saddles, drop-offs, river channel edges, flats, and the water near the dam. “I’ll target points, humps and ledges as broad targets and then specifically search for stripers suspended around well-defined areas of forage,” Kotal says. “Two distinct patterns emerge at this time, and they’re on opposite ends of the lake. If the water is too hot, they may feed shallow occasionally, but quickly return to the oxygenated rich, cooler water. Striped Bass Fishing Tips, Techniques and Tactics. Richard B. Russell State Park ( near Elberton has a campground, fully equipped cottages and boat ramp access. All of today’s inland striper programs descend from a Santee–Cooper genesis. © 2020 The Sportsman’s Guide, Inc. 1-800-882-2962 |, Transitioning Your Summer Sleeping System, NEW to SG: WeatherTech® Vehicle Accessories, Wilderness Survival: Why Everyone Needs At Least Two Knives, Babe Winkleman – Good Fishing / Outdoor Secrets, Bryan Oliver – Quick Hits, Videos, Memes. Subscriber Services. October 04, 2010. Wilson says some of his rigs are freelines without weight, while some have small weights to get them slightly deeper. Thanks to a reciprocal license agreement between the two states, you can fish Lake Russell with a license from either Georgia or South Carolina. Rods and reels vary with the technique, and Kotal says heavy baitcasting bass tackle with 20-pound-test line is a good selection for artificial lures. The first few miles below the dam is by far the best for this specific type of fishing, according to Wilson. The faster movement will keep the bass from looking over the lure too much. All Game & Fish subscribers now have digital access to their magazine content. 1. During summer, fall and winter, deep water near the dam and main river channels are especially productive. When a big striper blows up on a topwater … “By fall, the stripers are fat from summer foraging, and the best action for fall stripers is during September and into early October,” Wilson says. Trolling doesn’t require expensive equipment. Wilson says that cold, rainy, windy days are sometimes best for big stripers. Just how big is “maximum size,” you ask? Kerr lake. Gerald Almy is a fishing and hunting enthusiast who has written for several national publications, expressi... Gerald Almy is a fishing and hunting enthusiast who has written for several national publications, expressing his love of the outdoors! Lake Jordan. To get started, click the link below to visit and learn how to access your digital magazine. Mud Hole makes rod-building simple and fun for novice rod builders. Can you please write a story on umbrella rigs on your trolling tips. This Elk Venison Patty Melt Recipe makes the perfect wild game sandwich. The striper pattern during September is a continuation of the dependable summer pattern of live-bait fishing. One item that is crucial, though, is a good depth finder. 100 yards of leadcore line has 10 colors Line sizes come in 12,15,18,27,36 and 45 # test. I’ll pull live baits out of the back of the boat, weighted to get down to the depths where stripers are marked on the graph.”. Striper fishing can be more like deer hunting than fishing. You’ll never regret it! “I want to see a consistent bait line when looking for big stripers. Hall says the biggest difference between now and those beginning days is that the number of fishermen has tripled. “This fishery developed on its own for years, likely originally fed from striper influx from upstream Lake Hartwell and downstream Clarks Hill Lake via pumpback,” Rankin says. Live Eels Catch Stripers When the current is moving, Roy casts the eel toward shore and slowly retrieves it as the boat, and the eel, drift with the tide at approximately the same speed. Baitcast or level-wind reels are most practical, spooled with 12-to-40-pound-test line. All Stripers All The Time!! All will catch stripers if the fish are in a feeding mood and the bait they are utilizing is fairly large. Rods for trolling should have plenty of backbone, to resist the pressure of the moving boat and the big-lipped, diving plugs often used. Thanks to innovative fisheries biologists, hybrid crosses between female stripers and male white bass, a species more tolerant of warmer water, complement pure striper populations in many states. Lake Murray. Keep comments on topic. When hunting large stripers, you deal with the situation and fish where you find them.”. You can drive around the lake for 20 minutes before you run into a school of Striper, but when you do it’s game on! Thanks. 6 Steps to the Perfect Trigger Pull on Your Compound Bow, Mud Hole MHX Rod Building Kits: Field-Tested, Southern-Style Fried Shellcrackers Recipe, Southwestern Venison Chorizo Quiche Recipe, Easton FMJ Arrows Offer Bowhunters More Penetration, 10 Best Long-Range Rifle Cartridges Ever Made, DIY: Build Your Rod, Your Way in 11 Steps, Searching for a Never-Ending Walleye Bite, Bayou Bonanza: Barataria Estuary's Incredible Multi-Species Fishing, 5 Fall Fishing Tips on How to Earn Your Stripers, Understanding Reel Retrieve Ratios and How it Affects Lure Presentations, Action and Power Ratings- How to Choose the Right Bass Rod, Hobie MirageDrive 360 Kayak Propulsion: Amazing Control and Power, Hunting Elk with the Ruger Hawkeye Long Range Hunter in 6.5 PRC. In the spring, when water temperatures are between 60° and 70° F, the shad are near the surface and the stripers can be caught on top water lures. They’ll come up in a heartbeat to eat but are less likely to go deeper.”. In low-light conditions the fish may be close to the top of the ledge, but they’re often deeper on bright, sunny days. Zara Spooks and Red Fins are favorites among topwater anglers. You'll need a cartridge that lives up to... A custom rod can be affordable and enjoyable to build when you use a kit that comes with... Bass anglers have two compelling options at this time of the year: go deep for smallmouths or... A combination of factors can put the walleye bite into overdrive this time of year. Clark’s Hill. And few methods can compare with trolling for getting those bass to bite. Stuck inside? On inclement days, Kotal often employs artificial lures to target the depths where stripers are holding, which can range from fairly shallow to 30 to 40 feet deep. Green, a native of Huntersville, knows a few things about freshwater striped bass fishing. Set the counter to the level fish show on the depth finder or slightly above it. No discussion of illegal activity. Striped bass: Guide Wendell Wilson (706-283-3336) reports that December is one of the best months of the year to fish Russell for striper, and fish will group up in the mid-lake. Striper Fishing's Secret Weapon: Sonar and Boat Control Freshwater or saltwater, northeast or southeast, striped bass are a trophy fish you can catch nearly anywhere in America. Freshwater Striper Fishing. Live bait or fresh dead bait will both produce quality striped bass. Night Stripes — Fishing tips for Lake St. John hybrid stripers Jerald Horst Contents , Freshwater Fishing When darkness falls on Lake St. John, hybrid stripers swarm around pier lights. It’s important to keep the bait at or just above the depth where fish are marked. Stripers prefer water temperature around 55- to 68-degrees. “The schooling can occur anytime, but cloudy days are prime time. This simulates a whole school of baitfish and can be deadly. “Shiners are hardy and will live and move better in very cold water, and lively bait is crucial for hooking these big stripers. No, it’s not easy to get up at dawn to head out for a cold day on the lake in January or February. Glazener designed the bladed pattern to take Lake Texoma stripers. “The best speed in cold water is ‘slow’,” he says. Suddenly the cold didn’t seem quite so bad! Having a boat equipped with a reliable fish-finder will certainly help in your pursuit of big... 2. “I’ll use a variety of lures, such as bucktails, swim baits and jigging spoons,” he says. Field Skills: Want to be a better shooter? Want to test the outer limits of your shooting skill? To say that a love for striper fishing shaped his life is understatement. But when you know a batch of 10- to 20-pound stripers is waiting, it’s well worth the effort! A heavy lead “cannon ball” on a steel cable takes your lure deep and counters on them allow you to choose the exact depth. Dan Rankin, fisheries biologist for the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) says Lake Russell’s striper fishery offers anglers the opportunity to catch 30- to 40-pound linesiders. Here is a simple chart that will tell anglers what Lake Texoma Striper Fishing Lures to use and at what time of year! Both are seasoned veterans, capable of putting clients on quality fish. According to SCDNR records, the lake record striper is a 63-pound monster caught in 2009. Kotal says stripers occasionally feed on the surface this time of year, and seeing gull activity over feeding fish is another way to get on big bass. Smith Mountain Lake. Henry Cowen’s Coyote is an ideal searching pattern. This article will share striped bass fishing tips and spots. “The stripers may suspend in 25 to 50 feet of water, but the bottom depth may be as much as 80 feet deep. This is especially true on waters new to me. Some anglers also use umbrella-type rigs with several jigheads. Give a Gift Lake Gaston. Cowen’s more compact Coyote is best retrieved with medium long strips and slight pauses. If you can find live shad and throw a net, the best bait for freshwater striped bass are threadfin shad Attach a 30- to 48-inch, 14- to 30-pound leader to the center hook of the front treble and tie on a 1/4-ounce white bucktail jig or leadhead with white or chartreuse twister tail. Type: Swimbait. But jigs, lures and artificial flies in your drift fishing rig will produce good results too. This is the first major book on freshwater striper fly fishing, a targeted species that is sure to be part of a big trend among fly anglers. You can catch freshwater stripers many ways including casting lures, fly fishing and drifting with bait. Vary the distance you run this behind the boat until you find a range that produces strikes, generally 75- to 150 feet. “I’ve found later in the season is better for consistent big-striper action,” Wilson says. Freshwater striper fishing can be difficult, but there are many techniques that work. We catch some huge fish on tiny baits.”. Top Photo: A stringer of stripers caught trolling on North Carolina’s Lake Gaston in winter. Kotal says stripers are travelers, constantly in search of forage, and both guides use graphs to isolate big clusters of food fish and to pinpoint the location and depth of stripers. The Coyote is indebted to the Road Runner, a popular spinning lure, and to Texan George Glazener’s Spinster fly. The fish are seeking the cooler, deep water near the dam. Downriggers offer another option for obtaining depth while striper trolling. … A topographic map is vital. “Once I’ve located them, I may use the wind or my electric motor to slowly move the boat over a specific target. In this video, outdoor writer and tackle specialist Shane Beilue breaks down the difference between a rod blank’s action and power and discusses what the various ratings of each mean. By pinpointing these types of cover with a depth finder, you can continually pull your offerings through potential pay-dirt zones. Wilson says stripers move frequently, so he’s prepared to hunt them down on every trip. Buy it ahead of time and try to pinpoint good areas for trolling such as points, flats, creek and river channel edges, underwater islands, saddles, and riprap near dams. [ Video: Using Eels for Nighttime Stripers in Cape Cod Bay | Season 13, Episode 04] The rods should also be fairly long, to allow you to keep the lines clear of each other—6 ½- to 8 feet. It’s that simple. Using the Right Equipment 1. I was fishing a boulder field, and I was mystified by a small group of rocks that kept poking their tops out of the waves. “Also, multiple techniques are effective then, including both live bait and artificial lures.” Both guides employ live bait and artificial lures depending on the prevailing fish pattern and the preference of their clients. Instead of just riding around looking over a lake, you’re fishing while you explore it. This means you have the option to read your magazine on most popular phones and tablets. Presentation is the key to success; using an electric motor to stay close to the old Savannah River channel ledge is essential. The guides agree that the Beaver Dam Creek and Rocky River areas of the lake, and toward the lower end of the lake, are prime areas for late-season fishing. But one of my favorite tactics is trolling. If you've been catching catfish with the same method for years, it's time to change it up and... 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