Heart of Africa for the Commodore 64. Heart of Africa (1985) Publisher: Electronic Arts Unlike its predecessor, The Seven Cities of Gold (1984), this Dani Bunten-designed exploration classic fell mostly under the radar in the U.S. The Bemba assured me, that I am on the right way and so I navigated further into the west on the Sambesi. You are asked to enter a number, so that you can ban 10 different savegames on the data disk. The moment had already arrived in June, I reached the village of the Fang and the chief was so happy about my ivory, that he told me that smaragds can be found "where I can watch the sunrise from the great, childless waters." Seven Cities of Gold - C64 - Best Games on the Commodore 64 (EA 1984) - … So the tomb of Ankh Ankh must lie in the southern region, I had already explored the east. From the money for my previous expeditions I bought supplies and gifts, as I wanted to concentrate fully on the new expedition and in the villages you can only swap supplies with gifts. If you have trouble to Power of Chaos: Yugi the Destiny. In March 1891 I was in Boma again and received new money for discoveries and could swap the ivory against silver at the basar, which was great luck, as this was very popular with the tribes in the central region. These were very sought-after in the east and so I marched back to the Nile again through the far plain at the rim of the central region. Find great deals for Heart of Africa Commodore 64 C64 Game on 5.25" disk. To reach this aim, the player has to gain the sympathies of the tribes of the five regions, on the one hand to get the descriptions to smaller treasures and on the other to get new hints to the location of the tomb of the pharao. We think they're going to need a bigger wall.". In every region the most valuable items are different and so the player has to cross the continent several times to get enough treasures and hints. I paddled further on the White Nile to the Lake Albert, and laboriously dragged the canoe to Lake Edward in the southwest. When I left Kairo to the north, I suddenly found a hideout, where I found a map and a rope. The Lemoners Top Commodore 64 Games This list may not show 100 games if you choose to view games with 100 votes or more. so long FighterXXS, the discovering pirate (; FXXS: "Despite the (too) small game area and the minimal sound, does the game entertain rather well, by the new allocation of the hideouts and the random events it is still fun if ypu had already found the pharao once. Those games deserve to be remembered, and it’s a shame that the DOS remake failed to rekindle people’s interest in them. I then turned towards the south to Sansiba, where I only purchased supplies. Heart of Africa is ranked number 40 … MobyGames.com, tobor2001 As I had my gun in my hand during this trip, I could also dispel the wild rhino without getting stamped down. In March I visited the Tuaregs and discovered the Tamanrasset. first! Ihr erstes "Cartels and Cutthroats", setzte Maßstäbe für alle Wirtschaftssimulationsspiele in den Tagen des Apple II+. There are no more loading times after the start of the game, however, the game permanently accesses the floppy and an extra disk is needed for saving the up to 10 game scores. Unfortunately, you cannot buy any camels at the nomads in the desert, canoes are very illogical if you are a hundred miles away from the next water... 8 points.". At the Victoria waterfall I abandonded my canoe and marched further to the south. Then I started downloading a bunch of old games that I used to play on the C64.. Series Navigation << Seven Cities of Gold, The I took the tusks and made my way to the east. From the Mayfair Catalog: Heart of Africa is a meaty trading game where the players each lead a trading company which tries to make profits in Africa. $20.99.
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