Epistle to the Romans Summary. Romans 8:1 New King James Version (NKJV) Free from Indwelling Sin. My person and offerings to bring: The terrors of law and of God, No when the Holy Spirit of God comes to live within us we are changed forever. The more you learn to turn to Him, the more you learn to get up under grace & not under the Law & the more you will learn to trust Him that He is Who He says He is and that only the Spirit of Christ in you can live the Christ life - and the more that life that is already in you (Christ in you the hope of glory), the more that "river" that is in you will be able to flow forth through your mortal body.". William Newell writes that "The words in Christ Jesus express that glorious place God has given the believer. In such an order and manner of treatment there is a spiritual and also a practical lesson. Then let the word of Christ in Romans 8 richly dwell within you and you will come to appreciate and appropriate that "in Christ Jesus" you are safe and secure now and forever! The person who walks according to the flesh lives in rebellion against God—goes his own direction. • Is in rebellion against God, and so is loath to submit to God’s will. Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. It is a call to do what leads to peace and mutual edification within the body of Christ. (Phillips: Touchstone). Oh, the peace forever flowing If we are in Christ, we need not wait in doubts and fears for the verdict of the great white Throne. Alex Stevenson “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” The story is one right out of the newspapers. The holiest of believers are warned that, although they are no longer slaves to sin’s dominion, they will continually experience conflict with this old nature in this present life. On the one hand, let him make very much in his instructions, public and private, of the revelation of the Spirit. And where that realisation comes later than our first sight of Christ, as with so many of us it does come, not always are the experience and action the same. You start with no condemnation, you end with no separation, and in between you find no defeat. To be sure, a distinction must be drawn between justification and sanctification. But Paul makes clear that such is not the case with our gracious God. In the Garden of Eden, God cursed the serpent, saying that the offspring of the woman would “bruise your head, and you will bruise his heel” (Genesis 3:15). O happy union! Jesus, and all in Him, is mine! 3. Oh, the peace of simply knowing Really, really badly. Being filled with the Spirit is NOT taking a glass of water, drinking it down and then hurrying back to Precept on Thursday night (or wherever you go) and getting it filled up again so you'll have some more to drink. This includes high moral standards (Ro 8:4-note) and more. F. F. Bruce paraphrases "there is no condemnation" as follows "There is no reason why those who are in Christ Jesus should go on doing penal servitude as though they had never been pardoned and liberated from the prison house of sin. Romans 8 is the summation of chapters 1 through 7. Note that in the three usages in this chapter, the first (8:1) refers to the work of Christ, the second (8:21) to . 5 For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. They came to life and stood on their feet as a promise that God would restore dead Israel to life. Peace with God is Christ in glory; Now this arises from their being in Christ Jesus; by virtue of their union with Him through faith they are thus secured. Paul repeatedly contrasts flesh (Greek: sarx) and Spirit (pneuma), i.e., “For the mind of the flesh is death, but the mind of the Spirit is life and peace” (v. 6). Why is there no longer any condemnatory judgment against us? That transformation is a tall order, unachievable apart from the grace of God. We have now come to that great chapter which sets forth that part in our salvation which is exercised by the third Person of the Godhead, the blessed Holy Spirit. Hallelujah! It is then that a blessed exchange commences: Christ who is both God and man, Christ who has never sinned, and whose holiness is perfect, Christ the Almighty and Eternal, taking to Himself, by His nuptial ring of faith, all the sins of the believer, those sins are lost and abolished in Him; for no sins dwell before His infinite righteousness. No Condemnation. The man for whom he substituted was drafted a second time, but he refused to serve. As we learn to yield to the Spirit adnd allow Him to control us, we can walk in Christ's victory day by day. Let him urge any who have yet to learn it to learn all this in their own experience, claiming on their knees the mighty gift of God. This is the great truth about the Christian life = the results are God's. will come to him from God." New International Dictionary of NT Theology. The water was running all the while below the rocks. The full vials of divine wrath against sin have been poured upon the head of the great Shepherd, that this sheep might go free; and therein is our joy, our comfort, our security. Christ, a King and a Priest, shares this honor and glory with all Christians. Romans 8:1 - definition and verses of Bible references on Romans 8:1 using Treasury of Scripture Knowledge Bible Concordance online. Zondervan, MacDonald, W., and Farstad, A. Believer's Bible Commentary: Old and New Testaments. Practically Paul is saying that there is no need to continually put yourself under condemnation every time you sin. This verse restates the contrast that Paul mentioned in v. 4, and begins a section where he spells out where the two different paths lead. It follows from the nature of this union that it must transform the character of those who are its subjects. The storm will take its course. “For what the law couldn’t do, in that it was weak through the flesh (sarkos—from sarx)“ (v. 3a). This union arises from the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:13; 6:15, 19). (1Cor 15:22). He was forced to appear before a judge, and he pleaded that he had been drafted once, had served in the war by means of his substitute, and should now be considered as being dead, because his substitute had been killed. Romans 8 is regarded by many Christians as the greatest chapter of all the Bible. God's perfect holiness demands it. H ere is a Bible study, summary, and commentary for Romans 1:. In the Lord we have the Eternal Spirit for our inward Possessor. 1985. Foes to bring to God above. People must choose between the way of the flesh or sinful nature and the way of the Spirit. = Paid in full; Gal 3:13) and God has imputed Christ's righteousness to our account and the promised Holy Spirit of Christ has come to live within us. Not all believers fail in the first hours of their faith to realise, and to use, the fulness of what the Covenant gives them. All who are not in Christ Jesus are under the law and its curse. Romans 8:1-3 New International Version (NIV) Life Through the Spirit 8 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, 2 because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you [ a ] free from the law of sin and death. Why? No flames of vengeance are there to scare thee now; no fiery sword; justice cannot smite the innocent. So something has been marvelously changed inside our mortal bodies - the Holy Spirit now lives within us. Therefore (686) (ara) is an inferential particle (denoting logical inference) marking transition to what naturally follows from preceding. They still think that condemnation can come upon them. But whenever my flesh comes out in my thoughts, words or actions it proves to result in nothing but death. (Greek Word Studies), Hendriksen also feels that no condemnation "means freedom not only from sin’s guilt but also from its enslaving power. I am persuaded that many souls have failed to see the connection just because of this. You might translate it this way: "There is no condemnation—none whatsoever—for the believer in Christ Jesus... Do you know what that means? Shall we not enter on our expository study full of holy expectation, and with unspeakable desires awake, to receive all things which in that Covenant are ours?...We shall be humbled as well as gladdened; and thus Our gladness will be sounder. The capsule then bobs in the sea until rescuers come to pick it up. Godet said Romans 8 begins with "no condemnation" and ends with "no separation." Dr Harry Ironside has an interesting thought on the variation in translations remarking that "Careful students of the original text discover that the last part of Romans 8:1 in the King James version is an interpolation properly belonging to verse 4 [Romans 8:4]. He does not say, "There is nothing in them that deserves condemnation,’’ for this there is, and they see it, and own it, and mourn over it, and condemn themselves for it; but it shall not be their ruin. And though that may not sound fair, it is. Some emphasize that Christ fulfilled the law by living a sinless life and deny that there is any sense in which we also fulfill the law. Christ lays His hand upon us, and we are healed. “he who raised up Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you“ (v. 11b). Romans 8:1-2 form a thesis statement that is explained in 8:3-8; then, 8:9-11 present a further explanatory statement that contrasts the situation laid out in vv. If health is buoyant and the heart is full of song, they are sure of their acceptance with God; but if the sun is darkened and the clouds return; when the heart is dull and sad, they imagine that they are under the ban of God's displeasure. And every day we are to draw upon the indwelling Giver of Life to do for us His own, His characteristic work; to show us “our King in His beauty,” and to “fill our springs of thought and will with Him.” (Moule, C. G. The Epistle of St Paul to the Romans), "BLESSED ARE THOSE WHOSE LAWLESS DEEDS HAVE BEEN FORGIVEN, AND WHOSE SINS HAVE BEEN COVERED. He claimed that his substitute’s service was practically his service, and it is said that the law allowed his plea. By analogy our bodies are still the same body as the body we lived in when we were lost - maybe a little older or a little "rounder" on the edges, but still the same mortal or physical body. So it was easy to lift the words from verse 4 [Romans 8:4-note ] into verse 1 [Romans 8:1 ]. Paul 's passage in Romans 8:1-17 is a summary of all of his main thoughts that he wants every Christian to live his or her life according to. There are two ways in which this is true. Here is the practical point: You cannot live in Romans 8 until you have comprehended the great truths of Romans 6 and Romans 7 The joy and the victory of this great chapter rests on the death and the struggle of Romans 6 and Romans 7. There is no condemnation for believers, although they still face the necessity of appearing before the judgment seat of Christ (cf. (Bolding added), It is however worth noting that deliverance from divine condemnation does not mean deliverance from divine discipline. He would not be there if the sin question had not been settled to the divine satisfaction. (translated from Textus Receptus). Dr Barber believes there are many Christians who don't truly understand this basic truth regarding their secure, eternal, unchanging position in Christ. The Spirit is not a possession we hold on to but a Person we love and obey. “The law of the Spirit of life” is bound up with “Christ Jesus.” The Son of God was sent, to take our flesh, to die as our Sin Offering, that we might “walk according to the Spirit.” “The Spirit of God” is “the Spirit of Christ.” The presence of the Spirit of Christ is such that, where He dwells, “Christ is in you.” Here we read at once a caution, and a truth of the richest positive blessing. He sits on death row for years awaiting his execution. The first word is not "now." Chicago: Moody Press), Our Daily Bread, Copyright RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI. This is Paul’s Gospel. He who believeth is not condemned, and cannot be punished. Their union with Him is the source of that spiritual life by which they are quickened together with Christ, and from which they derive their justification, their sanctification, and consolation. Reprinted by permission. But the mind that is set on the Spirit leads to life and peace. They are in Him federally, as all men were in Adam (1 Corinthians 15:22; Romans 5:12, 13, 14, 15,16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21-see notes). Romans 8:1 New International Version (NIV) Life Through the Spirit. Hallelujah! It means, number one, there is no rejection for the believer. Now all those who are in Christ are the beneficiaries of that forgiveness. Katakrima is always an adverse verdict. Paul does not specify just how the law failed, but we know that the law was intended to revive the soul—to make wise the simple—to rejoice the heart—and to enlighten the eyes (Psalm 19:7-8). But in verse 4 [Romans 8:4 ] they have their proper place for there Paul was writing of the state of the believer. The just penalty incurred by the sins of the human race was paid by the death of Christ. Only, he had to discover, to draw, and to apply. He who gave his only Son in order to save all humans will surely give those who have accepted Christ great things. Another possible interpretation (of Ro 7:14-25) is that a man may still be struggling with the Law and the truth about "no condemnation" and this truth in (Ro 8:1, 2) may be what that this believer needs to lay hold of. You can struggle, but you're not condemned. As it turns out, Paul's never been to Rome, but he wants to go. But Paul reverses this gloomy assessment with the assurance that there is no condemnation (see 5:18) “those who receive…through the one, Jesus Christ.” The condemnation of which he speaks has to do with the judgment that God will render at the end of time. Of the 20 Christian leaders, five named Romans 8 as the one chapter they would choose. The fact that He is there and that you are seen by God in Him is the fullest possible testimony to your freedom from all condemnation. Bible Knowledge Commentary writes that "In chapter 8, Paul described the ministry of the indwelling Holy Spirit of God who is the source of divine power for sanctification and the secret for spiritual victory in daily living. When I try to live this VICTORIOUS LIFE in my own (self) effort, I find that it just does not "work". Will God? The shadow of a peradventure cannot live in the light of that certainty of which the Apostle speaks. No! Paul's call to obey the Spirit makes no sense at all if the Spirit is only an impersonal power or force. Both the external evidence and the internal evidence are completely compelling for the shortest reading. (Jn 14:20), Paul writes to the Corinthians "by His (the Father's) doing you are in Christ Jesus, Who became to us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption. But when I put my trust in the Lord Jesus and I access His grace (by faith) and that amazing grace TRANSFORMS me, I find that out of me comes a love that I didn't even know was there. See Him risen forever beyond the cross where your sins once put Him, and see yourself in Him exalted there at God's right hand. They may be chastened of the Lord, but not condemned with the world. Romans 8 beautifully begins with "no condemnation," and it marvelously ends with no separation (see Romans 8:39- note) for those who are in Christ Jesus. So he wrote 20 Christian leaders and asked them this question: If you were shipwrecked on a desert island, and could not take any book with you except the Bible and you could only take with you one chapter of the Bible, what chapter would you choose? Its meaning in the Corpus Papyrorum Raineri (ed. The characteristics of this glorious standing. Number two, it's preeminently the chapter of Christian assurance. (An Exposition of Romans. For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body,” 1Co 12:13. But in verse 4 [Romans 8:4 ] they have their proper place for there Paul was writing of the state of the believer. Then venerable commentator Matthew Henry writes that.. Leave a comment with your favorite verse if it is not listed here. I like the old translation. (Romans 8 - Ironside's Notes on Selected Books). In case of fire or (in this case) hurricane, rig workers scramble into the bullet-shaped “bus” and strap themselves into their seats. We have life because He has joined us to Christ living. My flesh is already condemned by the Law although I am free now from Law's condemnation because I am in Christ. Martin Luther said "It is impossible for a man to be a Christian without having Christ, and if he has Christ, he has at the same time all that is in Christ. The Spirit makes Christians God's children and able to say "Father'' when we pray (Ro 8:15-note). Why are we no longer condemned? The seat belts protect the occupants from the impact with the water. They are placed beyond the reach of condemnation. He thus shows that this union with Jesus Christ is such that He who filleth all things would consider Himself without His people to be imperfect and incomplete. Can you see how this additional phrase leads to a slightly different interpretation of "no condemnation"? The key personalities in the book of Romans are the Apostle Paul, and Phoebe who delivered this letter. In earlier times, God dwelled among his people in the tabernacle or temple. Romans 6:11, 23). Romans 8:1-11. Life Through the Spirit. The subject here is no longer Christ's work for us, but the Spirit's work within us. This however is not the question. Spurgeon comments: “assuredly it is according to divine equity, even if it be not according to human law. We were judged guilty of breaking the law (sin) but sin has been judged in the propitiatory sacrifice and substitutionary atonement of Jesus. My Saviour's obedience and blood Our experimental proof of His fulness is that Christ to us is all. The first assigns the reason for their security; the second enables us to determine to whom that security belongs. We are reminded meanwhile that such a “new departure,” when it occurs, is new rather from our side than from the Lord’s. Paul says God’s judgment is not going to come down upon you, not now, not ever! Glory! Barton has a practical note writing that many believers... feel condemned because Satan uses past guilt and present failures to make us question what Christ has done for us. Here is the way how, not to be as it were the victims of “the body,” and the slaves of “the flesh,” but to “do to death the body’s practices” in a continuous exercise of inward power, and to “walk after the Spirit.” Here is the resource on which we may be forever joyfully paying “the debt” of such a walk; giving our redeeming Lord His due, the value of His purchase, even our willing, loving surrender, in the all-sufficient strength of “the Holy Ghost given unto us.”. What a Friend! In other words, it is what God has made the believing sinner that insures the fact that there is no cause for condemnation in him. “At that day ye shall know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you.”. (Isaiah 54:17). It is like a mighty river rushing down toward the ocean. And it's not ou, but oude, which is an even stronger negation in the Greek language. Truly, truly (Amen, Amen), I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has (present tense = continual possession, now and forever) eternal life, and does not (absolutely not) come into judgment (krisis related to krino), but has passed (perfect tense = this event happened at a point in time - the moment of genuine faith - and continues into the present - it speaks of the permanence of the "passing" - thus even the tense of the verb serves to emphasize eternal security!) Linked inextricably together the truths of the Indwelling of the Lord we have life because he founded! Our appreciation and enjoyment of it quite another Romans would be a the gem that that. '' he admitted out ) our inconsistencies servants of the utmost importance see... Easy to lift the words in Christ Jesus ” ( v. 10 ) matter of divine power, to! Place, whether a person is found guilty, '' is not his BLESSED,... 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