Openings for gaging shall be provided with a vaportight cap or cover. "Protection against corrosion." Vent outlets shall be located so that flammable vapors will not be trapped by eaves or other obstructions and shall be at least 5 feet (1.52 m) from building openings. Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act (APSA): California Health & Safety Code (CH & SC) 25270.2 to 25270.13 For a Limited Time receive a FREE EHS Report "Recordkeeping for EHS Managers." Occupational Safety & Health Administration, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Severe Storm and Flood Recovery Assistance, Oil and Gas Well Drilling, Servicing and Storage - Storage Tanks. 6, 1979, as amended at 51 FR 25318, July 11, 1986; 58 FR 35162, June 30, 1993; 63 FR 33450, June 18, 1998; 77 FR 17891, March 26, 2012], Occupational Safety & Health Administration. Bulk tanks can be installed above ground, within a storage tank vault, underground (direct buried), or within a storage tank building. PNWS AWWA 2015 Conference Presented By: Tim Tobin, PE 425.289.7371 May 1, 2015 Water Storage Tank Safety Standards Tank supports shall be installed on firm foundations. Containers over 30 gallons capacity shall not be stacked one upon the other. Vent pipes from tanks storing Category 1 or 2 flammable liquids, or Category 3 flammable liquids with a flashpoint below 100 ºF (37.8 ºC), shall be so located that the discharge point is outside of buildings, higher than the fill pipe opening, and not less than 12 feet (3.658 m) above the adjacent ground level. Fire Prevention and Building Safety. "Valves." All tanks, whether shop built or field erected, shall be strength tested before they are placed in service in accordance with the applicable paragraphs of the code under which they were built. Piping systems shall be substantially supported and protected against physical damage and excessive stresses arising from settlement, vibration, expansion, or contraction. Piping between shore tanks and dispensing units shall be as described in paragraph (k)(2)(iii) of this section, except that, where dispensing is from a floating structure, suitable lengths of oil-resistant flexible hose may be employed between the shore piping and the piping on the floating structure as made necessary by change in water level or shoreline. Two hour fire exposure, The foremost things to consider before you choose between one or the other are the fuel requirements of your business. The quantity of flammable liquids kept in the vicinity of spraying operations shall be the minimum required for operations and should ordinarily not exceed a supply for 1 day or one shift. Connections for all tank openings shall be vapor or liquidtight. Connections for all tank openings shall be vapor or liquid tight. Working in storage tanks is a highly hazardous work environment. "Exceptions." In locations where flammable vapors may be present, precautions shall be taken to prevent ignition by eliminating or controlling sources of ignition. Openings for manual gaging, if independent of the fill pipe (see paragraph (i)(4)(iv)(F) of this section), shall be provided with a vaportight cap or cover. Vent outlets shall be above normal snow level. H:\My Documents\Technical References\Comm 10 Class IIIB Tank Requirements.docPage 4 of 5 requirement. Dispensing devices and nozzles for Category 1, 2, or 3 flammable liquids shall be of an approved type. The tank shall be placed in the hole with care since dropping or rolling the tank into the hole can break a weld, puncture or damage the tank, or scrape off the protective coating of coated tanks. The fill connection shall be properly identified. "Drainage, dikes, and walls for aboveground tanks.". A complex overlapping network of miscellaneous federal statutes and regulations directly or indirectly governs tanks as well as local requirements imposed by state and local authorities. Water spray protection or its equivalent may be used in lieu of fire-resistive materials to protect supports. A permissible alternate to the sill or ramp is an open-grated trench, inside of the room, which drains to a safe location. Piping shall be located so as to be protected from physical damage. Electrical wiring and equipment located in inside storage rooms shall be approved for Class I, Division 1, Hazardous Locations. Vents for tanks inside of buildings shall be as provided in paragraphs (i)(2)(iv), (v), (vi)(B), and (3)(iv) of this section, except that emergency venting by the use of weak roof seams on tanks shall not be permitted. Each independent pumping unit shall be tested periodically to insure that it is in satisfactory operating condition. Where other portions of the building or other buildings are exposed, windows shall be protected as set forth in the Standard for Fire Doors and Windows, NFPA No. Piles or groups of containers shall not be nearer than 20 feet to a building. At locations where an independent water supply is required, it shall be entirely independent of public power and water supply. "Earthquake areas." If such materials are used in above ground piping systems or inside buildings, they shall be suitably protected against fire exposure or so located that any spill resulting from the failure of these materials could not unduly expose persons, important buildings or structures or can be readily controlled by remote valves. The total capacity of both normal and emergency venting devices shall be not less than that derived from Table F-10 except as provided in paragraph (i)(2)(v)(E) or (F) of this section. At least one portable fire extinguisher having a rating of not less than 20-B:C units shall be provided on all tank trucks or other vehicles used for transporting and/or dispensing flammable liquids. They may be fitted with return bends, coarse screens or other devices to minimize ingress of foreign material. Dispensing shall be by approved dispensing units with or without integral pumps and may be located on open piers, wharves, or floating docks or on shore or on piers of the solid fill type. Each commercial tank venting device shall have stamped on it the opening pressure, the pressure at which the valve reaches the full open position, and the flow capacity at the latter pressure, expressed in cubic feet (meters) per hour of air at 60 deg. Areas in which flammable liquids are transferred at one time, in quantities greater than 5 gallons from one tank or container to another tank or container, shall be separated from other operations by 25-feet distance or by construction having a fire resistance of at least 1 hour. All valves on connecting pipelines shall be closed and locked in closed position when water loading has been completed. For a tank or group of tanks with fixed roofs containing crude petroleum with boilover characteristics, the volumetric capacity of the diked area shall be not less than the capacity of the largest tank served by the enclosure, assuming a full tank. Each tank shall be vented through piping adequate in size to prevent blow-back of vapor or liquid at the fill opening while the tank is being filled. Welded or screwed joints or approved connectors shall be used. The connection shall be properly identified. The motors of all equipment being fueled shall be shut off during the fueling operation. The standards at paragraph 1910.106 (b) apply to atmospheric tanks, low pressure tanks and pressure vessels, as defined in paragraph 1910.106 (a) for tank storage of combustible and flammable liquids in the workplace. "Provisions for internal corrosion." Tanks to be operated at pressures below their design pressure may be tested by the applicable provisions of paragraphs (i)(7)(i) or (ii) of this section, based upon the pressure developed under full emergency venting of the tank. When more than one door is used, there shall be a rabbeted overlap of not less than 1 inch. "General." The capacity of the diked enclosure shall be calculated by deducting the volume below the height of the dike of all tanks within the enclosure. At locations where there is no ample and dependable water supply, or where filling of underground tanks with liquids is impracticable because of the character of their contents, their use, or for other reasons, each tank shall be safeguarded against movement when empty and submerged by high ground water or flood waters by anchoring, weighting with concrete or other approved solid loading material, or securing by other means. Piping systems in connection with pumps shall contain a sufficient number of valves to control properly the flow of liquid in normal operation and in the event of physical damage. Facilities with aboveground storage tanks (ASTs) holding oils of any kind may be subject to U.S. EPA's Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) regulation (40 CFR Part 112). The tanks cannot hold more than 120 gallons each while in the same area where people service vehicles. Threaded joints and connections shall be made up tight with a suitable lubricant or piping compound. Tanks shall be built of steel except as provided in paragraphs (i)(1)(i)(B) through (E) of this section. F. Metal tanks shall be welded, riveted, and caulked, brazed, or bolted, or constructed by use of a combination of these methods. Materials for piping, valves, or fittings shall be steel, nodular iron, or malleable iron, except as provided in paragraphs (j)(2)(ii), (iii) and (iv) of this section. Each horizontal tank so located that more than 70 percent of its storage capacity will be submerged at the established flood stage, shall be anchored, attached to a foundation of concrete or of steel and concrete, of sufficient weight to provide adequate load for the tank when filled with flammable liquid and submerged by flood waters to the established flood stage, or adequately secured by other means. Openings shall be provided with approved self-closing fire doors. The drainage system shall terminate in vacant land or other area or in an impounding basin having a capacity not smaller than that of the largest tank served. In a vertical tank the construction referred to in paragraph (i)(2)(v)(A) of this section may take the form of a floating roof, lifter roof, a weak room-to-shell seam, or other approved pressure relieving construction. When materials other than steel are necessary, they shall be suitable for the pressures, structural stresses, and temperatures involved, including fire exposures. Category 1, 2, or 3 flammable liquids shall be kept in closed containers when not actually in use. Piping, valves, and fittings may have combustible or noncombustible linings. The inlet of the fill pipe shall be closed and liquidtight when not in use. "Repairs." That station operators and other employees depended upon to carry out such instructions are thoroughly informed as to the location and operation of such valves and other equipment necessary to effect these requirements. Clearly identified and easily accessible switch(es) shall be provided at a location remote from dispensing devices to shut off the power to all dispensing devices in the event of an emergency. The foregoing provisions shall not apply when liquefied petroleum gas containers of 125 gallons (473.125 L) or less capacity are installed adjacent to fuel oil supply tanks of 550 gallons (2,081.75 L) or less capacity. (b) All tanks over 1,200-gallon capacity shall be installed on foundations in such a manner as to permit expansion and contraction. "Exceptions." 12D, Specification for Large Welded Production Tanks, Seventh Edition, August 1957; or No. 142, Standard for Steel Aboveground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids, 1968; No. Where entire dependence for emergency relief is placed upon pressure relieving devices, the total venting capacity of both normal and emergency vents shall be enough to prevent rupture of the shell or bottom of the tank if vertical, or of the shell or heads if horizontal. Each connection to a tank inside of buildings through which liquid can normally flow shall be provided with an internal or external valve located as close as practical to the shell of the tank. Bulk transportation of flammable liquids; and. Atmospheric tanks built according to Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., requirements in paragraph (i)(1)(iii)(A) of this section and shall be limited to 2.5 p.s.i.g. The wetted area of the tank shall be calculated on the basis of 55 percent of the total exposed area of a sphere or spheroid, 75 percent of the total exposed area of a horizontal tank and the first 30 feet (9.12 m) above grade of the exposed shell are of a vertical tank. Where shore location would require excessively long supply lines to dispensers, tanks may be installed on a pier provided that applicable portions of paragraph (b) of this section relative to spacing, diking, and piping are complied with and the quantity so stored does not exceed 1,100 gallons (4,163.5 L) aggregate capacity. Tank foundations shall be designed to minimize the possibility of uneven settling of the tank and to minimize corrosion in any part of the tank resting on the foundation. Every aboveground storage tank shall have some form of construction or device that will relieve excessive internal pressure caused by exposure fires. When tank vent piping is manifolded, pipe sizes shall be such as to discharge, within the pressure limitations of the system, the vapors they may be required to handle when manifolded tanks are subject to the same fire exposure. "Low-melting materials." Vent piping shall be constructed in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section. Piping within the scope of any applicable boiler and pressure vessel code. Such valves and their connections to tanks shall be of steel or other material suitable for use with the liquid being stored. 650, Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage, Third Edition, 1966. Bulk Storage TanksThe term \"bulk\" is often incorrectly interpreted to mean a \"large capacity\" storage tank typically found at bulk plants or terminals. Where protection of adjoining property or waterways is accomplished by retaining the liquid around the tank by means of a dike, the volume of the diked area shall comply with the following requirements: "Tank openings other than vents for aboveground tanks.". The area surrounding a tank or a group of tanks shall be provided with drainage as in paragraph (i)(2)(vii)(B) of this section, or shall be diked as provided in (i)(2)(vii)(C) of this section, to prevent accidental discharge of liquid from endangering adjoining property or reaching waterways. Each connection to pipelines, by which equipments such as tankcars or tank vehicles discharge liquids by means of pumps into storage tanks, shall be provided with a check valve for automatic protection against backflow if the piping arrangement is such that backflow from the system is possible. "Fire control for flammable liquid storage.". Bulk storage tanks include tanks used for the storage of flammable … Assistant Secretary Bingham has asked me to respond to your letter dated July 6, 1977, requesting a variance from Section 1910.106(b)(2)(ii)(b) Spacing (Shell-to-Shell) Between Above-Ground Tanks, of the Occupational Safety and Health Standards. Low-pressure tanks shall be built in accordance with acceptable standards of design. or equipped with emergency venting which will permit pressures to exceed 2.5 p.s.i.g. Every inside storage room shall be provided with either a gravity or a mechanical exhausting system. Provides information on recognizing and controlling hazards associated with storage tanks. Where unstable flammable liquids are stored, the distance between such tanks shall not be less than one-half the sum of their diameters. Aboveground storage tank regulations define a bulk storage container as any container having a capacity of 55 gallons or more and can be aboveground, partially buried, bunkered, or totally buried. Protected Tank. Special engineering consideration shall be required if the specific gravity of the liquid to be stored exceeds that of water or if the tanks are designed to contain flammable liquids at a liquid temperature below 0 deg. Materials which will react with water and create a fire hazard shall not be stored in the same room with flammable liquids. 620. Protection shall also be provided to prevent overpressure from any pump discharging into the tank or vessel when the pump discharge pressure can exceed the design pressure of the tank or vessel. Atmospheric tanks shall be built in accordance with acceptable good standards of design. Such construction shall comply with the test specifications set forth in Standard Methods of Fire Test of Building Construction and Material, NFPA 251-1969. Where crude petroleum in conjunction with production facilities are located in noncongested areas and have capacities not exceeding 126,000 gallons (3,000 barrels), the distance between such tanks shall not be less than 3 feet (0.912 m). No aboveground vertical storage tank containing a flammable liquid shall be located so that the allowable liquid level within the tank is below the established maximum flood stage, unless the tank is provided with a guiding structure such as described in paragraphs (i)(5)(vi)(M), (N), and (O) of this section. Tanks located above ground or inside buildings shall be of noncombustible construction. These cover the minimum requirements for design, materials, fabrication, inspection and testing. Portable tanks, not exceeding 660 gallons, shall be provided with emergency venting and other devices, as required by chapters III and IV of NFPA 30-1969, The Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code. "Flood areas." Where gravity ventilation is provided, the fresh air intake, as well as the exhausting outlet from the room, shall be on the exterior of the building in which the room is located. This paragraph does not apply to any of the following: "Definitions." This function may be incorporated in the valve required in paragraph (i)(4)(iv)(B) of this section, and if a separate valve, shall be located adjacent to the valve required in paragraph (i)(4)(iv)(B) of this section. Storage procedures are listed in the Compressed Gas Association Pamphlet P-1-1965. The flow capacity of tank venting devices larger than 12 inches (30.48 cm) nominal pipe size, including manhole covers with long bolts or equivalent, may be calculated provided that the opening pressure is actually measured, the rating pressure and corresponding free orifice area are stated, the word "calculated" appears on the nameplate, and the computation is based on a flow coefficient of 0.5 applied to the rated orifice area. Above-ground and below-ground tanks are equally safe when it comes to the storage of fuel due to the stability of propane and heating oil. The minimum separation between a liquefied petroleum gas container and a flammable liquid storage tank shall be 20 feet (6.08 m), except in the case of flammable liquid tanks operating at pressures exceeding 2.5 p.s.i.g. For storage of liquefied petroleum gas, see 1926.153. Are Above Ground Storage Tanks Regulated? Tanks and pressure vessels storing Category 1 flammable liquids shall be equipped with venting devices that shall be normally closed except when venting to pressure or vacuum conditions. Flammable liquids shall be drawn from or transferred into vessels, containers, or tanks within a building or outside only through a closed piping system, from safety cans, by means of a device drawing through the top, or from a container, or portable tanks, by gravity or pump, through an approved self-closing valve. Piping systems shall contain a sufficient number of valves to operate the system properly and to protect the plant. Tanks should not be closer than 25 feet from any building, per best practice recommendations followed by West Bend Mutual Insurance Company. 430 ILCS 15 Gasoline Storage Act; Rules. Vent pipes shall discharge only upward in order to disperse vapors. The tank end of the vent pipe shall enter the tank through the top. Transfer of Category 1, 2, or 3 flammable liquids from one container to another shall be done only when containers are electrically interconnected (bonded). 58, Standard for Steel Underground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids, Fifth Edition, December 1961; or No. The Assistant Secretary or his designated representative shall make periodic inspections of all plants where the storage of flammable liquids is such as to require compliance with the foregoing requirements, in order to assure the following: That all flammable liquid storage tanks are in compliance with these requirements and so maintained. "Corrosion protection." "Design." Such connection shall be closed and liquidtight when not in use. Filling and emptying connections which are made and broken shall be located outside of buildings at a location free from any source of ignition and not less than 5 feet (1.52 m) away from any building opening. For Category 2 flammable liquids, or Category 3 flammable liquids with a flashpoint below 100 ºF (37.8 ºC), other than crude oils, gasolines, and asphalts, the fill pipe shall be so designed and installed as to minimize the possibility of generating static electricity by terminating within 6 inches (15.24 cm) of the bottom of the tank. Cabinets shall be labeled in conspicuous lettering, "Flammable-Keep Away from Open Flames.". At least one portable fire extinguisher, having a rating of not less than 20-B units, shall be located outside of, but not more than 10 feet from, the door opening into any room used for storage of more than 60 gallons of flammable liquids. The room shall be liquid-tight where the walls join the floor. Our fuel storage tanks use only the highest quality materials, and our tanks adhere to all federal, state, and local rules and regulations. Each such opening shall be protected against liquid overflow and possible vapor release by means of a spring loaded check valve or other approved device. Storage in inside storage rooms shall comply with Table F-2 following: "Quantity." Requirements for Aboveground Tanks Located in Areas Subject to Flooding. Dispensing units shall in all cases be at least 20 feet (6.08 m) from any activity involving fixed sources of ignition. Approved metal storage cabinets will be acceptable. If inside a building, each such opening shall be protected against liquid overflow and possible vapor release by means of a spring loaded check valve or other approved device. "Pipe joints." Filler metal used in brazing shall be nonferrous metal or an alloy having a melting point above 1000 deg. In every inside storage room there shall be maintained one clear aisle at least 3 feet wide. Horizontal tanks that are located where more than 70 percent of the tank’s Low-pressure tanks and pressure vessels may be used as atmospheric tanks. Transferring by means of air pressure on the container or portable tanks is prohibited. Underground tanks and piping, before being covered, enclosed, or placed in use, shall be tested for tightness hydrostatically, or with air pressure at not less than 3 pounds per square inch (20.68 kPa) and not more than 5 pounds per square inch (34.47 kPa). The distance between any two flammable liquid storage tanks shall not be less than 3 feet (0.912 m). OSHA mandates that each employer is responsible for visually inspecting helium and other gas tanks for safety. Earthen walls 3 feet (0.912 m) or more in height shall have a flat section at the top not less than 2 feet (0.608 m) wide. Tanks inside buildings shall be equipped with a device, or other means shall be provided, to prevent overflow into the building. F. (15.55 deg C) and at a pressure of 14.7 p.s.i.a. Independent source of water shall be available when flood waters reach a level not less than 10 feet (3.04 m) below the bottom of the lowest tank on a property. Two or more portable tanks, grouped together, having a combined capacity in excess of 2,200 gallons, shall be separated by a 5-foot-clear area. 80, Standard for Steel Inside tanks for Oil-Burner Fuel, September 1963. Only approved containers and portable tanks shall be used for storage and handling of flammable liquids. The minimum separation between liquefied petroleum gas containers and flammable liquid tanks shall be 20 feet, and the minimum separation between a container and the centerline of the dike shall be 10 feet. This termination area and the route of the drainage system shall be so located that, if the flammable liquids in the drainage system are ignited, the fire will not seriously expose tanks or adjoining property. Conformity with the applicable provisions of Pressure Piping, ANSI B31 series and the provisions of this paragraph, shall be considered prima facie evidence of compliance with the foregoing provisions. This increases the importance of proper handling of diesel storage tanks. Cast iron shall not be permitted. Storage areas shall be kept free of weeds, debris, and other combustible material not necessary to the storage. Tanks exceeding 1,200-gallon capacity shall be so installed that the bottom outside surface of the tank is at least 12 inches above ground level. Above Ground Tanks For tanks above ground, the main danger is explosion, and the rules are a bit more specific. Tanks may be built of materials other than steel for installation underground or if required by the properties of the liquid stored. They shall be located so that they will not be subjected to physical damage. For quantities of one gallon or less, the original container may be used, for storage, use and handling of flammable liquids. The slope of an earthen wall shall be consistent with the angle of repose of the material of which the wall is constructed. Structural guides for holding floating tanks above their foundations shall be so designed that there will be no resistance to the free rise of a tank, and shall be constructed of noncombustible material. The filling of a tank to be protected by water loading shall be started as soon as flood waters reach a dangerous flood stage. Where vent pipe outlets for tanks storing Category 1 or 2 flammable liquids, or Category 3 flammable liquids with a flashpoint below 100 ºF (37.8 ºC), are adjacent to buildings or public ways, they shall be located so that the vapors are released at a safe point outside of buildings and not less than 12 feet (3.658 m) above the adjacent ground level. Regardless of the substance stored inside, aboveground storage tanks are regulated by the 40 CFR 112 and thus carry the label “bulk storage container” rather the term “aboveground storage tank”. No more than 25 gallons of flammable liquids shall be stored in a room outside of an approved storage cabinet. "General." To install an above-ground fuel storage tank a permit is required sometimes by local authorities which may include the local Fire Department and/or Building Department. "Foundations." For Category 2 flammable liquids or Category 3 flammable liquids with a flashpoint below 100 ºF (37.8 ºC), other than crude oils, gasolines, and asphalts, the fill pipe shall be so designed and installed as to minimize the possibility of generating static electricity. Corrosion protection for the tank and its piping shall be provided by one or more of the following methods: Size of vents. Tank supports shall be of concrete, masonry, or protected steel. Heating equipment installed in lubrication or service areas, where Category 1, 2, or 3 flammable liquids are dispensed, shall be of an approved type for garages, and shall be installed at least 8 feet above the floor. When curbs or dikes are used, provisions shall be made for draining off accumulations of ground or rain water, or spills of flammable liquids. The design (including selection of materials) fabrication, assembly, test, and inspection of piping systems containing flammable liquids shall be suitable for the expected working pressures and structural stresses. The strength of the structure shall be adequate to resist lateral movement of a tank subject to a horizontal force in any direction equivalent to not less than 25 pounds per square foot (1.05 kg m(2)) acting on the projected vertical cross-sectional area of the tank. Tennessee Occupational Safety and Health Administration TOSHA regulations define some requirements for above ground storage tanks. 12F, Specification for Small Welded Production Tanks, Fifth Edition, March 1961. For definition of Class I, Division 1, Hazardous Locations, see 1926.449. 385-1966. Flammable liquid tanks located inside of buildings, except in one-story buildings designed and protected for flammable liquid storage, shall be provided with an automatic-closing heat-actuated valve on each withdrawal connection below the liquid level, except for connections used for emergency disposal, to prevent continued flow in the event of fire in the vicinity of the tank. "Sources of ignition." Vent pipe outlets shall be so located that flammable vapors will not enter building openings, or be trapped under eaves or other obstructions. In addition to the strength test called for in paragraphs (i)(7)(i) and (ii) of this section, all tanks and connections shall be tested for tightness. Tanks and pressure vessels storing Category 2 flammable liquids, or Category 3 flammable liquids with a flashpoint below 100 ºF (37.8 ºC), shall be equipped with venting devices that shall be normally closed except when venting under pressure or vacuum conditions, or with approved flame arresters. Location and arrangement of vents for Category 3 flammable liquids with a flashpoint at or above 100 ºF (37.8 ºC) or Category 4 flammable liquids. All tank openings shall be a 12-foot-wide access way to permit expansion and contraction ground water flood! Or traps in which liquid can collect engineering consideration importance of proper handling of flammable liquids shall be of or. At least 20 feet from any building, per best practice recommendations followed by West Bend Mutual Insurance.! Hazards associated with storage tanks, Third Edition, may 1958, and fittings. `` one... Construction Code for Unfired pressure Vessels Code, 1968 ; No above ground tanks. `` valves. 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