A new coordinator, new rules, a new rubric, and a virtual contest? Please look above the NHD Theme Logo for the tab which describes you: Student's Main , Teacher's Main, or Judge's Main. Be sure to download the 2021 rulebook NHDRuleBook2021.pdf which includes rule changes in several catagories. Papers: Students will upload a PDF of their paper, process paper, and bibliography. Nhd Website Entry - SlideShare SlideShare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Leon County History Fair - fl-leon.nhd.org Welcome to Florida History Day! Seeking History Lovers! - al.nhd.org The website category allows for a flexible and creative telling of history, allowing students to use graphs, images, audio, video, and text to demonstrate a depth of insight, while developing technology-based skills. National History Day in North Dakota. Florida joins 49 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, and international schools in . Welcome to the Riverside County ... - National History Day NHD Rule Changes - Summary.pdf. Tuesday, February 9th: Websites due (uploaded) Tuesday, March 2nd: Documentaries, Exhibits, & Peformances due (uploaded) Saturday, March 20th: Virtual Awards Ceremony. The annual Utah History Day State Competition is open to students who qualify at an NHD Utah regional contest. 504-528-1944 ext 463. historyday@nationalww2museum.org. The National History Day contest is one of the most prestigious academic competitions in the U.S. Below is a listing of Florida's National History Day winners . Judge's Registration Page 2022 NHD Leon County Contest . Rewatch the 2021 Welcome Ceremony! Entry: Standing with the Voiceless : The Life and Legacy of Archbishop Oscar Romero. National History Day - Maryland History Day State Contest This National History Day (NHD) cycle couldn't have been more different if we'd planned it! National History Day in Arizona - Arizona Historical Society Preparing an entry for the 2010 National History Day Website category. Over half a million kids from across the country participat. National History Day in PA contest winners are selected to attend a national competition held annually at the University of Maryland at College Park. NHD in PA @ Messiah Karma Bromwell, Pecos Connections Academy, National History Day 3rd Place Junior Paper Category, 2021. Communicating through Code: Elizebeth Friedman's Crackdown on Nazi Spy Rings during World War II. Serving the winners of the 5 regional contests . Region 3 Ohio History Day (Cleveland History Center/CWRU) Virtual Contest. sflorer@VirginiaHistory.org. The National History Day in North Dakota state contest will be held virtually the first week of May. National History Day in Colorado is a regional event emphasizing social studies and literacy. 1st: Sovigne Gardner & Grace Gardner. New York State History Day (NYSHD) is an affiliate of National History Day (NHD). National History Day in Delaware will follow the Delaware Historical Society COVID-19 Safety Policy and Procedures as well as the safety policies and procedures of the hosting venue. If your parents would like more information about the North Puget Sound regional contest, they may download the NHD Parent Letter. NHD contests are divided into three tiers beyond the school level: regional, state, and national contests. National History Day, is a year-long educational program that encourages students to explore local, state, national, and world history. The 2022 Florida History Day state contest will be held May 1-3. This is National History Day's Website Entry Builder. Contact Missy McNatt - missy.mcnatt@nara.gov with questions about the DC NHD Program and Contest. 2021 Theme Book - NHD.pdf. National History Day in Colorado, based in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences at CU Denver, is a social studies and literacy program that equips students in elementary, middle, and high school with the skills necessary to succeed in college and the real world. Welcome to NHDWebCentral! Important Deadlines: March 3, 2021: State Contest Registration Begins. Welcome to National History Day 2021! Registration for the 2022 Ohio History Day State Contest opens on February 28th at 12:00 a.m. and closes on Monday, April 11th at 11:59 p.m. Late registrations will not be accepted. Whether you are a seasoned NHD mentor, or this is your first contest year, this page can provide you with the most important information to help you get started! After selecting a historical topic that relates to the annual theme, students conduct extensive research by using libraries, archives, museums . The project topic relates to maritime history and to the NHD annual theme. Website; There are specific rules and guidelines that apply to each category, found here on the official NHD website. National History Day Resources We support the year-long National History Day competition as an exciting way for students to study and learn about historical issues, ideas, people, and events at our locations around the country and online! Explore the 2021 Annual Theme here. While most judges work in the humanities (e.g., educators, librarians, museum professionals and artists) all volunteers interested in witnessing the impressive documentaries, exhibits, performances . Highland Heights, OH, Hawken School. 1st: Lukun Zhang. Get ready for National History Day at the National Archives. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. NHD Rule Book 2021.pdf - new! The National Archives is the nation's record keeper. Inspire. 2020 National Winners. All categories, except the paper, can be an individual or a group entry. Developed for middle and high school students, National History Day Arizona makes history come alive by engaging students in the discovery of historical, cultural, scientific, and social experiences of the past. 2016 NHD-SD Winners. The National Archives at Boston provides NHD student field trips, workshops for teachers, and research assistance with primary sources for NHD competitors. Website entries must be made using the NHD WebCentral Platform to be eligible for judging. Ohio. Region 1 - Bowling Green State University Regional Contest. Homepage Theme For Teachers For Students Virtual Contest Submission- Specifics . Alecia Gauna, Moriarty High School, National History Day First Place Senior Group Exhibit Category, 2021 DC National History Day Teacher Workshops. Website Category Rules . NHD has provided guidelines for virtual submission of both types of projects. 2021 WINNERS POSTED on FloridaHistoryDay.com The Museum of Florida History presents 2021 Florida History Day. Patricia Behring Teacher of the Year Award Winners. National History Day Northeast PA Region 2 Competition will be held at the University of Scranton on Saturday, April 2, 2022. Held on March 4th, 2022. If you have any questions, please email us at nhd@masshist.org. National History Day Arizona (NHDAZ) is a signature program of the Arizona Historical Society. The UHS National History Day Club (NHD) produced the most champions out of all of the participating high schools in Orange County, with 17 winners at the annual NHD-OC contest. Mailing Address: Virginia Museum of History & Culture. Category Winners will be moving on to compete at NHD Nationals in June. The 2020 National History Day (NHD) contest in June drew more than 3,000 students from the fifty states, District of Columbia, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, and international schools in Southeast Asia. NEWS FLASH! National History Day in North Dakota. 2017 NHD-SD Winners. documentaries, performances, and websites. Arkansas, Todd Sisson. Congratulations to all the participants of National History Day 2021! Every year over 3,000 students from around the world advance to the National Contest in College Park, MD. High School, Bangor High School Maine NHD award ceremony audience in 2016 NHD 2016 in Review The dust has settled and the results of the 2016 state and national NHD contests have been analyzed. The entry meets National History Day Rule Book guidelines for all categories (pp. National History Day Paper Winner. It's free, and it's fun! NHDKy empowers students grades 4 to 12 to become experts in a topic they are passionate about, building their confidence and promoting the "doing of history" rather than the simple regurgitation of historical facts. Keep scrolling down to see a tentative schedule . Resources: NHD in South Dakota About 600,000 students annually participate in NHD. The theme for 2021 was Communication in History: The Key to […] All students must participate and qualify at their assigned regional contest in order to move up to the state contest. Region 1 - Bowling Green State University Regional Contest. As part of their awards, the six student winners traveled to Washington, DC, in October 2019 for three days of tours, screenings, and special events at the Smithsonian, the Library of Congress . 2nd: Joseph Chong, Catherine McMillan. NEW 2021-22 - NHDWebCentral Revised Instructions. All students must participate and qualify at their assigned regional contest in order to move up to the state contest. Results Announced April 8, 2021 . Student Special Award Winners. Awards Announced May 4, 2021 . NHDSpanishRuleBook2021Digital.pdf. CHD annually engages over 4,000 middle- and high-school students in historical research, interpretation, and creative expression through project based learning. Get Started. Ohio. Shaker Heights, OH, Shaker Heights High School. Region 10 Regional Contest. According to the National History Day website, more than half a million students from the U.S. take part in the competition annually as well as some international entries. West Baton Rouge Museum. National History Day Exhibit Winners. 2022 Contest Dates: February 26, 2022: Baton Rouge Regional Competition. You can help by evaluating their entries, interviewing contestants, and selecting winners to represent Alabama in the national competition. View this file for assistance. While most judges include humanities scholars, teachers . Affiliate CT. 2021 National Contest Winner: 3rd Place (Senior Group Website) View Site. View Site. This means that exhibits, documentaries, performances, and websites can all be group projects, so grab some friends and get to work! Many can be incorporated into NHD research and Teacher (s): Katie Craven. NHD IN PA REGION 9 CONTEST INFORMATION . Louisiana History Day is a program of The National WWII Museum, Official Louisiana affiliate of National History Day. 2020-21 Virtual Competition UPDATE. All staff, judges, students, teachers, and guests will be told to stay home if they do not feel well. Ohio History Connection 800 E . Preparing an entry for the 2010 National History Day Website category. From the National History Day (NHD) website, the program is described as "A year-long academic program focused on historical research, interpretation and creative expression for 6th- to 12th-grade students. National History Day (NHD) is an annual nationwide academic enrichment program for students in grades 6-12 that encourages thoughtful historical research, project-based learning, and a dose of . National History Day makes history come alive for America's youth by engaging them in the discovery of the historic, cultural and social experiences of the past. Entry: "Kennedy's Kiddie Korps": Diplomacy by the Best and the Brightest. Welcome teachers and school staff! Websites: Students must use NHDWebCentral to build their projects. Physical Address: Virginia Museum of History & Culture. Winner of the "Outstanding Entry on an International Theme" special award: Valerie Nigg for a Senior Individual Performance on "The Korean War Through the Eyes for No Chong-Cha" Winners of the "Outstanding New Hampshire Entry" award: Juniors: Carter Mercer and Patrick McKenna for their Group Web Site (Link of viewing directions will be posted at a later time.) Sponsored by the Museum of Florida History, Florida History Day (FHD) is an annual, statewide activity that enhances the teaching and learning of history in middle and high schools. NEW 2022 - NHD Website Judge Evaluation. By participating in NHD, students become writers, filmmakers, web designers, playwrights and artists as they create unique contemporary expressions of history. The document below contains links to a Google Drive containing the templates for each type of submission. Please make sure that your battery is fully charged, as we cannot guarantee that you will be located near a power supply. History Day has been the vehicle that creates an understanding and appreciation of history while developing the necessary 21st-century tools, skills and aptitudes for my diverse student population. If you are unable to open the links, please contact NHD in PA State Coordinator Jeff Hawks (eddirector@armyheritage.org) for copies of the template. Connecticut History Day is one of 58 affiliate programs of National History Day (NHD). National History Day Website Winners. 5. P.O. NHD gives students in grades K through 12 the opportunity to act as historians. NHD is about the journey, and while we recognize students who have excelled at the highly competitive national . We hold billions of primary sources. Senior Division website award winners in 2016: Noble High School, Buckfield Sr./Jr. South Carolina History Day is an affiliate of National History Day (NHD). Houston ISD is excited to support and coordinate with the 2021-2022 Texas History Day competition, an affiliate of National History Day. 1st: Venkata Panabakam, Sidra Nadeem, Denise Martinez. Welcome to National History Day Arizona! Students and teachers are strongly encouraged to read the NHD Rule Book, . Website Lockout: February 16, 2022 . Running an NHD competition for the first time can be quite complicated, but here are some steps to simplify it. National History Day (NHD) is an opportunity for teachers and students to engage in real historical research. NHD-SD 2015 on KUSI. To schedule student field trips or teacher workshops . Watch the 2021 Awards Ceremony! To register as a contest judge you must first create a judge's account. Upcoming workshops and sessions to be posted soon. Adam T. Foreman, Student Programs Specialist. Riverside County History Day Competition, NHD-CA State Competition, and NHD National Competition will all be held virtually for the 2020-21 competition year. Students participate in project-based learning that emphasizes critical reading and thinking, research, analysis . NHD Winners at Bothell prepare for another year. Virginia History Day Coordinator. They analyze and interpret their findings, draw conclusions about their topics . Mia Kesel, Alice King Community School, National History Day Latino History Award, 2021. Sign in to your account to build your NHD website. . Special Awards Michigan History Day (MHD), an educational program of the Historical Society of Michigan, is a yearlong educational program that encourages students to explore local, state, national, and world history. Maine students did a remarkable job this […] National History Day engages students and teachers in historical research and skills development. The 2021 NHD in PA Region 8 Contest @ Messiah University will be held VIRTUALLY on March 20, 2021. ‑Martin Marrin, Teacher. National History Day in Minnesota is a co-curricular program for students in grades 6-12, focusing on historical research and analysis about a topic of their choosing. For additional info about NHD rules, contest-day logistics, and more, click on Contest Information under the "Contest" tab above. If you do not have an account, please register now. Important Dates for 2021 Competition: February 1-March 11, 2022: Regional Contest Registration (Fee is $10) There is no fee to compete at State. Click here to read the 2021 Contest Details. Click on the appropriate tab to begin the registration process. 2nd: Anirudh Dasarathy. Top entries from the Pennsylvania State Contest then go to the National . The project represents scholarly and historically accurate research. 804-342-9672. Category Finalists. The 2022 NHD in PA Region 9 Contest at Kutztown University will be held virtually on February 26, 2022. You are viewing an old website, for our new site, click here. That is where you are to set up your computer for the day. 2021 National Contest Finalist: 6th Place (Senior Group Website), Outstanding Affiliate Entry. Be sure to go here to learn about the NHD website system and then Register your entry with NHD (only one student per team does this). 2016 National Contest Senior Group Website Winners. Participation in National History Day in PA begins in the classroom. Registration required for workshops and help sessions. After selecting a historical topic that relates to an annual theme, students conduct extensive research by using libraries, archives, museums, and oral history interviews. Entry: The Visionary Exploration of Jacques Cousteau: Changing Perceptions of the Ocean through Undersea Encounters. The Riverside County National History Day Winners will be posted after the awards ceremony. Ohio Affiliate Contest. NHD China 2019 Websites Websites Schedule. 2011 National Contest Senior Individual Website Winners. For specific registration directions, please select the tab above that applies to you as a student, teacher, or judge. The following six National History Day individual documentary winners received the 2019 Next Generation Angels Awards from The Better Angels Society. Eligibility. March 29, 2021 (5 pm CT): All contest mateirals must be uploaded and website lockout. Teacher (s): Dann Parker & Timothy Mitchell. Through hands-on . Visit our website for more information. Box 7311, Richmond, Virginia 23221-0311. National History Day (NHD) is a year-long educational program in which students in grades 4-12 become historians. South Carolina History Day is an affiliate of National History Day (NHD). Teacher (s): Rogers New Technology High School. Registration Deadline: February 11, 2022 . Awards were given to Neha Bhardwaj and James Koga for the Individual Website category; Alyssa Tang for the Group Website category; Sol Choi, Grace Jin,. Explore our website to learn more about the program or find out how to get involved. The topic can relate to a person, event, or idea associated with maritime history such as underwater . Ohio Affiliate Contest. Student registrations and projects are due Friday, April 16 and Winners will be announced Friday, May 7. Winners from this competition will advance the Pennsylvania State Contest. Over half a million kids from across the country participat. History Day. NHD Webcentral 101.pdf - NHD Webcentral is the only platform allowed for websites in the 2022 contest. Baltimore City History Day Teachers/Staff. NHD is not a predetermined by-the-book program but an innovative curriculum framework in which students learn history by selecting topics of interest and launching into a year-long research project. SlideShare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Region 2 - Sandusky Library & Erie County Historical Society. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will advance to the State competition. Our judges carefully review student projects and provide feedback about what they did well and how they can improve. Region 3 Ohio History Day (Cleveland History Center/CWRU) Virtual Contest. Region 2 - Sandusky Library & Erie County Historical Society. Awards. Ohio Youth Contest. Region 10 Regional Contest. SUNY Oneonta. Student Category Winners. After selecting a historical topic that relates to an annual theme, students conduct extensive research by using libraries, archives, museums, and oral history interviews. National History Day in Kentucky is the ultimate inquiry-inspired project-based learning experience! Registration Fee: $15 Step 1: A Quick but Deep Dive Into NHD Get your feet wet by exploring the NHD website, which includes inspiring examples of yearly winners and advice on how to create competitive historical arguments. March 22, 2021 (5pm CT): State Contest Registration Deadline. Home. Ohio Youth Contest. amanda@wbrmuseum.org. 2nd: Brian Ely & Tigan Donaldson. Thank you for your interest in serving as an ONLINE judge! Congratulations again, and we have so enjoyed making history with you this year! If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Welcome Maryland History Day Judges **Please Wait, 2022 Judge Registration TBA** Maryland Humanities thanks you for offering t o serve as a judge for the 2022 Maryland History Day digital competition when hundreds of students will be prepared with History Day projects focused on the theme of "Debate and Diplomacy in History". Serving the winners of the 5 regional contests . 14-19). 2015 NHD-SD Winners. Student Project Upload Deadline: February 16, 2022 . Look for the A4 sheet of paper with your website's name on it, in either the PC Café of the Phoenix Lounge. NHD contests are divided into three tiers: regional, state, and national contests. NHD contests are divided into three tiers: regional, state, and national contests. Despite all that, Arizona students had a strong finish in the National History Day Contest this year. 2017 National Contest Senior Group Documentary Winners. Learn about NHD's 2022 Annual ThemeDebate and Diplomacy in History: Successes, Failures, Consequences. Special Prize winners will be hearing from their award sponsor in the next month to receive their prizes. All students must participate and qualify at their assigned regional contest in order to move up to the state contest. National History Day engages students and teachers in historical research and skills development. Open World Learning Community, St. Paul, MN. Please contact Missy McNatt at 202-430-1144 or missy.mcnatt@nara.gov. Outstanding Affiliate Entry Winners. It equips students in elementary, middle, and high school with the skills necessary to succeed in careers and in college. COVID-19 Policies and Procedures. Best, Kate and Elyssa . ; Tigan Donaldson Colorado is a signature program of the National Archives Lone Star-Montgomery History... Virtually on February 26, 2022: Baton Rouge regional Competition judge you must first Create a &! Contest < /a > Category Winners will be posted at a later time. website with customizable templates —. 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