Firstly, that Crooks is like an animal because he sleeps next to the barn, also he cannot be important if he lives in a shed. What do Crook’s possessions tell you about him? Crooks has quite a lot of possessions, emphasising his permanence. It seems like Crooks is the only person on the farm with personal possessions and by Crooks owning these personal possessions we can learn alot about him. Several pairs of shoes Books A shotgun Big alarm clock. Our tips from experts and exam survivors will help you through. Not affiliated with Harvard College. 'Crooks possessed several pairs of shoes, a pair of rubber boots, a big alarm clock and a single-barrelled shotgun' which means that a being a black stable buck, Crooks is more permanent then the others. The fact that he has his own room with quite a few possessions shows that he is a more permanent fixture on the ranch than the "bindle stiffs" who go from ranch to ranch looking for work. The description of Crooks's room is important because it does show a correlation between a man and his world.Crooks is the only black farm hand at the ranch. Crooks possessed several pairs of shoes, a pair of rubber boots, a big alarm clock and a single-barreled shotgun. What does Crooks offer in return for joining George, Lenne, and Candy in the dream farm? Home Economics: Food and Nutrition (CCEA). It is a room for one man alone. Sign in, choose your GCSE subjects and see content that's tailored for you. Much of the room is filled with boxes, bottles, harnesses, leather tools, and other accouterments of his job. This shows that he is educated. He seems to do odd jobs around the place. Crooks' room is a source of pride, and he keeps it quite neat. This is also shown when it says ' he had accumulated more possessions then he … He is not allowed anywhere else on "account of being black" In his room Crooks has a "tattered dictionary and a mauled copy of the California civil code for 1905". Its situated in a shed which proves that the theme of racism was high at the time and thay the white people had to be and were seperated from the blacks. Trump Is Already Wondering What Airport Will Bear His Name -- The president has been asking aides and advisers what the process is for getting an airport named after him—another sign his mind is drifting to a post-presidency. On pegs were also pieces of harness, a split collar with the horsehair stuffing sticking out, a broken hame, and a trace chain with its leather covering split. Crooks is a proud and bitter man filled with a controlled anger; he is obviously the most intelligent character in the novel and uses this intelligence to manipulate the foolish Lennie. Character can be shown through the things characters, What do you find out about Crooks, the stable-hand in. There were battered magazines and a few dirty books on a special shelf over his bunk. (Page 75)” When Lennie visited to see a puppy, Crock did not want him to come in his room. Crooks is the stable hand who takes care of the horses and lives by himself because he is the only black man on the ranch. He’s definitely not a part of the men’s lives. On the wall by the window there were pegs on which hung broken harness in process of being mended; strips of new leather; and under the window itself a little bench for leather-working tools, curved knives and needles and balls of linen thread, and a small hand riveter. Crooks has his own room. Crooks possessed several pairs of shoes, a pair of rubber boots, a big alarm clock and a single-barrelled shotgun. Crooks is a minority character introduced in chapter 4. Crooks is the last character to be introduced into the novel, and much of what we learn about him is hearsay from the other workers. In particular, he represents blacks … He isn’t used to people being in his space. The fact that his room is part of the barn indicates that he is treated like an animal by the whites. Well, I tell you, you all of you stink for me. … Steinbeck presents the Character of Crooks to us as he wouldn’t of been considered during the times of the ‘Great Depression’ and shows us the negative stereotypes of black people in an American 1930’s society. Crooks also wants to be aware of the few rights he has as a black man. ‘Little shed that leaned off the… barn’ this supports many important ideas. There's a whole world you have to understand in order to understand Crooks, just as there is for Slim and for Curley's Wife. 6- candy tells crooks/curleys wife about the dream farm etc, when he wasnt supposed to tell anyone 7-they tell us that unlike other men, he has possessions which means he has some sort of … Grade Booster Look at the way Crooks seems almost to delight in taunting Lennie that George will leave him, until he is frightened by Lennie's response. Though Lennie smiles amiably at Crooks, Crooks warns Lennie not to come into his room. Crooks also had books too: a tattered dictionary, and a mauled copy of the California civil code for 1905. This is shown by the ‘broken harness’, the ‘tools’ and the ‘cans’. The bunk of Crooks was a 'long box filled with straw' which shows that he has been discriminated and judged just for the colour of his skin. Voice means the tone of a narrative. The fact that Crooks owns a dictionary is juxtaposed with the stereotypical image of a black man as it shows he is literate, unlike many other members on the ranch. Crooks is surprisingly educated. We will be retiring our Crooks and Liars user account system in January, 2021. Because of his job and hiscrooked back, Crooks is more permanent and has more possessions than the other men. Crooks had his apple box over his bunk, and in it a range of medicine bottles, both for himself and for the horses. He owns ‘books’, including a law book, which suggests he is interested in what’s right, or at least in getting what he’s owed. And he had books, too; a tattered dictionary and a mauled copy of the California civil code for 1905. A pair of large gold-rimmed spectacles hung from a nail on the wall above his bed. Read about our approach to external linking. There were cans of saddle soap and a drippy can of tar with its paint brush sticking over the edge. He’s poor – he keeps his things in an ‘apple box’. Characters in texts are developed through what they say and do, and the language used to describe them. While he is a stable buck, the dictionary, the Bible, the chapbook and the glasses show that he can read and has a self respect in that he wants to know his rights, and all his possessions show that he is more permanent than the … Character can be shown through the things characters do, what they say, what they look like, and what they own. For instance, he has a “Tattered” dictionary and a copy of the California Civil code for 1905 which is described as “mauled”, giving more reason to believe Crooks is animal-like. The Daily Beast (paywall) reports . He keeps to himself, supposedly by his own choice, but we can see that he wishes he could be in the bunk house with the other men. To register an account, enter your comment and click the post button. A dialog will then appear allowing you create your account. Crooks also goes on saying, “A guy gets alone out here at night, maybe readin’ books or thinkin’ or stuff like that.” (Steinbeck, 73) When all of the guys are in their bunkhouse enjoying each other’s company, Crooks has to read books which he gets tired of doing. Crooks’ bunk was a long box filled with straw, on which his blankets were flung. Name four of the possessions that Crooks has in his room. C&L Team As he says “If I say something, why it's just a nigger sayin' it" and this shows his anger at being pushed to the side. Crooks is an outsider he is black and also a cripple, people can not and will not accept him. And he had books, too; a tattered dictionary and a mauled copy of the California civil code for 1905. Crooks is an intelligent man with little or no schooling but does what he can to better himself. Do you find yourself collecting possessions more out of pride in having them than out of necessity? Being oppressed has made him seem cruel and gruff, but also has turned him … Crooks is also significant as he provides an insight into the reality of the American Dream and the feelings of all the ranchers: their loneliness and need for company and human interaction. One of the books that he possesses is the California civil code for 1905 which is ironic considering if that time was 1905 then the civil code wasnt fair at all. Unlike the other men, he doesn’t have to be able to carry everything he owns ‘on his back’. He tells him that being alone on the ranch was one thing, for he had no one visiting him at night and no one to speak to, but also there was not another colored family for a long ways. We can surmise that Crooks strives to be literate on his own. Crooks is a lively, sharp-witted, black stable-hand, who takes his name from his crooked back. Crooks is not allowed to sleep with the other workers and Steinbeck has made it clear that his accommodation is not really fit for any human. Crooks is also a neat man because things are arranged on shelves in an order; he keeps liniment to rub on his back that has been injured years before. Copyright © 1999 - 2020 GradeSaver LLC. Crooks possessed several pairs of shoes, a pair of rubber boots, a big alarm clock and a single-barrelled shotgun. Crooks states to Lennie his problems as he know that he had no chance to understand them. Having lived and worked on the ranch for years, unlike the “bindle stiffs” Crooks has accumulated some personal property:…several pairs of shoes, a pair of rubber boots, a big alarm … And scattered about the floor were a number of personal possessions; for, being alone, Crooks could leave his things about, and being a stable buck and a cripple, he was more permanent than the other men, and he had accumulated more possessions than he could carry on his back. The hearts of some people, like the rich young ruler’s heart, may require such drastic measures. He’s messy and has belongings ‘scattered about the floor’. Crooks is a black man set on a 1930’s ranch, working as a stable buck. Thank you. Crooks sits on his bed in the harness room of the barn. He had golden rimmed spectacles which shows that he is educated and smart. 'Crooks possessed several pairs of shoes, a pair of rubber boots, a big alarm clock and a single-barrelled shotgun' which means that a being a black stable buck, Crooks is more permanent then the others. The reader has to decide whether Crooks deserves sympathy, or if he is just a cruel, bitter and gruff stable-buck. He gets sick and goes nuts. This is the primary reason behind his keeping to himself, and for not being allowed to go and enjoy a game of cards with the other, white, farmhands. Chapter 4 is mainly about Crooks and what his character is like and what he does. He thinks that every white people do not like black people. Crooks is … However, as far as that goes, that’s because Lennie is written in this book in such a way that it is obvious something is wrong with him. They say I stink. can someone give me a really good killer paragraph on crooks from 'of mice and men'. Hold Your Material Possessions Loosely Christians in Western culture often fall into the trap of living a life dedicated to pursuing wealth and material things. What does the description of Crooks' room reveal about him? His own medicine and that of the horses is in the same place. The room itself is also a tack room for harnesses and such. He lives alone, away from the other workers. Please Do Not Use the Login Link at the Top of the Site. When Lennie visits him in his room, his reaction reveals this fact. Is he of equal status with the animals? The chapter begins with ‘Crooks, the Negro stable buck’ which tells us that he is a coloured man and in the 1920’s, when this book was set, racism was still acceptable, meaning Crooks is probably susceptible to … What do you find out about Crooks, the stable-hand in Of Mice and Men, from the extract below? What does Crooks say to Lennie about loneliness? Crooks is so named because of a crooked back caused by a kick from a horse. Crooks is bookish and likes to keep his room neat, but he has been so beaten down by loneliness and prejudicial treatment of that he is now suspicious of any kindness he receives. Crook's room is a small hovel connected to the horse stables. Lennie is white, but they do not discriminate black people like Crock thinks. Crooks (named for his crooked back) is the stable hand who works with the ranch horses. According to the crooks, Lennie will go to a mental hospital if George goes away. In many countries, advertising is an ever-present, multi-billion-dollar industry built on creating a desire you didn’t have for something you don’t need. Like most of the characters in the story, he admits that he is extremely lonely. Crooks is fiercely defensive of it because it is the only space that is his own. Although they enjoy some conversation together, when some external trouble starts brewing, Crooks advises the men to go, saying "I ain't sure I want you in here no more. He lives by himself because he is the only black man on the ranch. Be careful about what you let influence your heart. Along with Candy, Crooks is a character used by Steinbeck to show the effects of discrimination. Crooks has been pushed away by everyone else, so he pushes others away. Racial slurs are used to describe Crooks frequently on the ranch. But the Bible doesn’t say that all Christians should sell everything they have and give the proceeds to the poor. Like the other characters in Of Mice and Men, Crooks is an archetype: he represents many other people like him. However this seems to show that he is cut off from other people, rather than being a sign of privilege. What does Crooks say happens to a guy if he gets too lonely? Whether Crooks actually read that book, or whether he kept it in his room to give himself a sense of intellectuality is up to the reader to figure out. Crooks is ostracised by the whites at the ranch and he resents this. Name four of the possessions that Crooks has in his room. This is also shown when it says ' he had accumulated more possessions then he could carry on his back.'. I like how another Crooks and Liars team member responded to this story. The reader never knows what, specifically, since Steinbeck doesn’t tell us. There were battered magazines and a few dirty books on a special shelf over his bunk. Books and medicine fill the room, but Crooks keeps … On Saturday night, Crooks sits on his bunk alone, rubbing liniment into his sore back, when Lennie appears in the open doorway and looks in on him. Crooks's structural role in the novel is to appear two-thirds of the way in and to forewarn and prepare you for the destruction of George and Lennie's dream. Lennie says he simply came to visit his puppy and wanted to say hello to Crooks when he saw the man’s light on. The black stable mate, who is isolated from the other laborers who live in the bunkhouse, has a room in the harness room of the barn where the mules are kept. Crooks' room is a masterpiece of understatement, and its very nature shows how Crooks is different from the other ranch hands. In order to comment you must use an Insticator account. It all reinforces the tragic theme of the novel, Crooks is clever but the colour of his skin limits everything he can do in his life meaning he cannot ever leave the ranch. What does Jesus say about this topic? 2. In fact, we don’t meet him until almost two-thirds the way through the book. Crooks seemed to look after himself and the horses because he kept medecine in an apple box over his bunk in range of if there is an emergency. Return for joining George, Lenne, and what they own than the other ranch hands also! Blacks … I like how another crooks and Liars team member responded to this.! A shotgun big alarm clock and a mauled copy of the room itself also... Crooks and Liars user account system in January, 2021 about him visits him in his.... Of privilege he lives by himself because he is extremely lonely around the.. Subjects and see content that 's tailored for you is just a cruel bitter... The wall above his bed do odd jobs around the place want him to come in his room clock... Is cut off from other people like him very nature shows how crooks is permanent. It because it is the only black man on the wall above his bed the that. 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